
Let there be light

Monday, August 19, 2013

The story of king Alfred the great and candles as Time Indicators

Once upon a time, in a far away England there ruled the good king Alfred the great. He couldn't give up his love of studying and reading and yet he had so many kingly obligations. What a dilemma!

Clocks were still not invented and the idea of candles as time indicators were still to be thought of.
One night, in his royal bedroom after his personal servant has just departed, king Alfred set all alone, at last, for the first time during his awake hours.He was looking at the last candle still lit on his night stand.
The flickering light of the candle was trying to tell him something. Something important, he was sure. The circle of light was small but bright and in it, next to the candle, where all his precious books, lonely and unopened for a long time.
 "Too long", thought the good king Alfred. Maybe he could read some now, just before he goes to sleep.  "Maybe this is what the candle wanted to tell me".

He was ready to get up, choose a book and go to his desk but the light of the candle flickered side to side as if saying "no!" He looked at the candle, his eyelids almost closing up on his eyes. He was too tiered. What if he falls asleep, reading a book and the candle will fall on the pages and they will catch fire? He got into his royal bed and blew the candle off and even before his head reached the pillow he was fast asleep dreaming.
In the morning he ordered his chandler in and asked him to invent a candle that will let him read not too long because he needed the sleep and in a safe way so he will not fall asleep on his book with the candle beside.  He presented task to the chandler and sent him away.
That same night, just when got ready for bed there was a knock on the door. "It's me, the chandler! Sorry to disturb you but I think I found a solution". 

                                                               Candles as time indicators

"Come in!" said king Alfred. The chandler had in his hand a brand new candle in a massive gold candle holder. He lit the candle and asked the king to sit down and start reading. The king was startled by the strange request, but complied anyway. The chandler was sitting in an extra chair, counting the turning pages of the book until the king's head started to sway then fell on the opened book. The chandler then gently woke the king up and helped him get into bed, not before he blew off the candle on the king's desk and got out smiling to himself with the candle in the golden candle holder in his hand.
The rest of the story of Candles as time indicators, will be told in the next blog in my new website together with modern uses of them.